April 3, 2013 Special Board Meeting Draft Minutes (Attached)


Special Board Meeting


The Special Board Meeting was called to order at 2 PM.


Board Members present were Councilwoman LaPine, Councilman Wrisley and Supervisor Boisen.  Also present was Audrey Hoskins, Town Clerk.


Present at the meeting was Dianne Lansing, David Sayre, and Pat Tivnan.


Supervisor Boisen informed the Board that Norma Goff is interested in

allowing the Town to consider her property for low frequency testing

for the test well. She will discuss this with her family. The property is located on Block House Road.


We need to get start so the SEQR process can be completed by August 2013.


Jim Dougan from AES is here to discuss the well water project.  He went over the sites that were thought to be good options.


Supervisor Boisen stated that of all the options we have gotten only one real

positive response, which is on route 22 in Boquet. This is the Mace property.

This property is very far out of Town.


Jim Dougan stated that he wants the Town to be able to keep its hardship status.

The grant is 1.2 million and the loan would zero interest. We will proceed with the SEQR process including the Goff property and the property where the water storage is. Also on the Beggs Point property.


Claude Comfier is coming next week to test the Goff property and the tank site.

Do we want to do testing on the Mace property at the same time? We will have

to purchase the Mace property. Councilwoman LaPine wanted to know what

happened with Ron Jackson’s property. It was questioned by the public because of the old land fill site. Would this be a problem?  Jim Dougan stated that because of the heavy clay concentration (Susan Kennedy stated this in an earlier meeting) it should be a viable source. It would need to be tested.


Councilwoman LaPine was concerned with the possibility of not finding a spot where there will be enough water for the Town.  If we don’t we will then need to build a new 6 million dollar plant, right? Jim Dougan said that is an option.


Supervisor Boisen will contact Ron Jackson to see if he is willing to allow further testing

to be done on his property.


Councilman Wrisley wanted to know how much testing was going to cost.  Jim Dougan

stated the cost for the equipment is $3700 and with the cost of labor it would be a

total of around $9000 for one site. The cost would be higher if more sites are tested.  There are a number of ways to test the site.    Jim Dougan recommends that at least two sites

are tested. The Goff site and the tank property. Councilman Wrisley wanted to know if we have to wait for results or will we know immediately.  The information can be read very

quickly from the machine. It will not print the results. If we get great results from one property we may not want to test more sites.


Jim Dougan stated for infrastructure the Jackson site would be very good. If we have use the Mace property it will be very costly to lay the piping.  It costs $ 1 million to lay a

mile of pipe. The sites to be tested were discussed.  The rock formations were discussed.

The Goff site has a spring which bubbles out of the ground.  They would do a water quality



Essex County Planning will help with the SEQR paper work. We will not have to amend our contract with AES.


Supervisor Boisen asked the Board if they were in agreement as to testing the Goff property

and to test the quality of the water and the water tower property. The Board agreed. If for some reason neither one of these properties work out we will then test Ron Jackson property with his permission.


Jim Dougan stated that we had applied to extend the hardship status and we were denied.

Councilwoman LaPine asked if there was any way to get a ball park figure on the cost if we have to go out to Boquet. Jim Dougan said it would be around $3 million to do the pipes needed to get the water into Town from the Mace property and the charges for all the other

work needed to get the system working. Do we have an idea what we will be charged for the Mace property? The property would have to be appraised and we would pay fair market value.


The DOT right away was discussed. The Town would need to work with them.  The Railroad has its own rules that must be followed.


We have a $2.9 million bond resolution in place.


We are looking for a well that will produce 50 to 60 gallons a minute.  DOH requires that we have two wells.


The Lewis Family Farm litigation against the Town of Essex:  We have directed our

Attorney to notify the Lewis Family Farm that we will not waive interest or penalties

for the properties in litigation. A proposed stipulation and order of settlement was received for our review dated 4/2/2013.  The Lewis Family Farm will have ten days to respond to

the stipulation and order of settlement. Lewis Family will have to agree to this or we go to court.


Councilwoman LaPine stated that Barbara Kunzi called her about the fee of $300 for hooking

up her water. She said there was already a hook up there.  Councilwomen La pine said that if I hook my house to the main I would be charged $300.  Supervisor Boisen said right.

Supervisor Boisen stated that Barbara Kunzi put letters in the mail boxes of the Board.

Supervisor Boisen she it could be discussed at the Board meeting on 4/18/2013.

Councilman Wrisley maintains that it goes to the shut off and whoever hooks on from

the shut off to house that is what the connection fee is for. You have to pay the fee when

you hook up to the shut off. Barbara’s contention was that there was a building there

before and she should not have to pay the connection fee.  Councilman Wrisley stated it was a new connection fee and that is why she was charged.  Councilman Wrisley said that years ago people asked to have the water shut off in the fall and then turned back on in the spring.

We charged a fee of $150 to shut off and $150 to turn the water back on. You might just

as well shut the water off in your home and not have to pay the fees. We are only responsible from the main to the shut off.  The home owner is responsible from the shut off to their home.

It is up to the home owner how they will leave their home for the winter. It is not our responsibility.  Supervisor Boisen asked Councilwomen LaPine what her opinion is. Councilwoman LaPine said if you have a new connection you will be charged the $300 fee.

Supervisor Boisen asked Councilwoman LaPine does the Barbara Kunzi situation constitute a new connection as you understand the water law.  Councilwomen LaPine said yes it does.

Councilman Wrisley agreed it is a new connection. Our water law says a new connection and inspection is a $300 charge. Supervisor Boisen said we need to revisit the water law and

its language needs to be clearer. The water committee will need to meet and review the water law.   Curb stops were discussed. This will be on the agenda for April 18th and

at that time, we can discuss the issue of fees charged with the full Board.


The meeting was adjourned at 3:19 PM.


Respectfully submitted                                                     Audrey Hoskins, Town Clerk









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