March 21, 2013 Draft Town Board Meeting Minutes


Regular Town Board Meeting


The meeting was called to order at 7PM.

Supervisor Boisen led us in the Pledge to the Flag.


On roll the members of the Board present were Councilwoman LaPine, Councilman MacDougal, Councilman Garvey, Councilman Wrisley and Supervisor Boisen.  Also present was Town Clerk, Audrey Hoskins.


Visitors present were Olive Alexander, Rita Fitzgerald, Jane Terlouw, Bonnie Monoski and Mary Hopkins.


Councilwoman LaPine asked for moment of silence for Mike McKenna and

Naomi Hayes.


The courtesy of the floor was offered.


The minutes for February 21st 2013, Regular Board, February 21st 2013, Public Hearing Local Law #1 of 2013 and February 20th, 2013 Bid Opening were presented.  Motion to accept minutes as presented was made by Councilman Wrisley.  Seconded by Councilman MacDougal. Roll call Councilwoman LaPine-yes, Councilman MacDougal-yes, Councilman Garvey-abstain, Councilman Wrisley-yes, and Supervisor Boisen-yes.


The bills were presented and discussed.  Motion to accept bills as presented was made by Councilwoman LaPine.  Seconded by Councilman Garvey. Roll call Councilwoman LaPine-yes, Councilman MacDougal-yes, Councilman Garvey-abstain, Councilman Wrisley-yes, and Supervisor Boisen-yes.


The water and sewer bills were discussed and some corrections are needed.


Zoning Officer Report was presented.  The complaint about rodents in the condemned house (this house was a victim of Irene) in Whallonsburg was discussed. The Board did not believe this house was the problem and they should call the Health Department.  Code Officer stated that Mr. Crowningshield stated the rodents were worse this year than ever before.   Councilman MacDougal stated that he has no problem with rodents and his house is a stone throw away from the condemned house. This house is in the process of a FEMA buyout. Nothing can be done with this house as long as it is part of the buyout. The butcher shop of the complainant Mr. Crowningshield was discussed. A member of the audience stated the carcasses from the butcher shop are being dumped on a neighboring property and the coy dogs are being attracted by this. Supervisor Boisen said she would check with the Department of Health about the disposal method of the carcasses.  Lauren Murphy, Code Officer stated he has a drain in the shop floor that drains into the septic system or whatever down the hill.


Ms. Noble requested a permit to tear down a building.  It was a question as to whether nor not it can be torn down. Ms. Noble should check with the APA to see what they require. The Code Officer said she could write a letter to say it is not habitable.


Motion to accept the Zoning Officer report was made by Councilman MacDougal.  Seconded by Councilman Wrisley. Roll call Councilwoman LaPine-yes, Councilman MacDougal-yes, Councilman Garvey-yes, Councilman Wrisley-yes, and Supervisor Boisen-yes.


Supervisor’s County report- The Board of Supervisors have signed a contract for the sale of Horace Nye. Supervisor Boisen stated that Sheriff Cutting gave a very good presentation on the Safe Act legislation.  The Board said they would like him to come and speak at one of our meetings.


Committee Reports – The Grange Hall committee did not meet. The Personnel

Committee met at 6 PM tonight.


Old Business

Ground Water capital project update – Supervisor Boisen and AES will meet with the Department of Health on 3/22/2013. The funding package expires in August.  An extension was requested and the answer was no.  We need to have a well site and the SEQR paper work done. This will be discussed with Department of Health.


We are working with a resident through his lawyer on property we could use for a test well. We had not heard anything, so Supervisor Boisen contacted Mr. Manning and he could not find the letter and paperwork. The letter and paperwork was hand delivered to his office. We are now waiting for a response on this property.  Other sights were discussed. The hardship rule was discussed and whether or not we qualify.


Supervisor Boisen stated that the Town needs a policy for trash disposal for the

Wastewater Treatment plant. There are bags of paper towels which do not weigh very much.  Supervisor Boisen stated that she would like the policy to be the bags would be weighed and a receipt given to Tina and at the end of the year we pay the Transfer Site. There were no objections to by the Board.


New Business

Review of water law connection fees.  The reason the Board was asked to review the law was a request from Barbara Kunzi to refund the money paid for a connection fee. Supervisor

Boisen stated she wasn’t on the Board when the law was created and did not know what the Boards intent was. Supervisor Boisen stated that the connection fee was enabling the resident to hook up to the Town line on the street.  Councilman Wrisley stated that if she leaves in the winter and wants to shut if off or they take it out we did not want to have to keep reconnecting it every year. The fees are the way they were so they did not disconnect it and have to reconnect every year. Supervisor Boisen read the letter that was to be sent to Barbara Kunzi.


PO Box 355

2313 Main Street

Essex, New York 12936

Tel. (518) 963-4287  /  Fax (518) 963-4288 / TDD 1-800-662-1220


Email: [email protected]


Sharon Boisen
Town Clerk:
Audrey Hoskins

Claire  LaPine
Bryan Garvey
Harold MacDougal
Mark Wrisley


March 13th, 2013


Barbara Kunzi

P.O. Box 83

Essex, NY 12936

Dear Barbara,

After careful review of the Town Water Law, and serious consideration of your request for a credit of your $300 water hook up fee. I regret to inform you that the Town Board’s decision is that your fee was charged and paid with just cause.

Enclosed is a copy of the Town Water Law for your review. Please feel free to contact the town supervisor or town council members with any questions you may have regarding this or any other matter.

LeeAnn Hoskins
Secretary to the Supervisor
Water/Sewer Rents Clerk

Deputy Town Clerk

Town of Essex


Cc: Supervisor, Sharon Boisen

Town Council Members:

Mark Wrisley

Bryan Garvey

Claire LaPine

Harold MacDougal


Supervisor Boisen asked is this letter accurate.  Councilman Wrisley said yes it was.  Councilman MacDougal agreed. The letter will be sent to Ms. Kunzi.


The Adirondack Landfill contract was discussed.  This contract is for the old Transfer Site inspections.


Resolution #30 of 2013


The following resolution was offered by Councilman MacDougal, who moved its adoption.


Be it resolved that the Essex Town Board of Essex, NY authorizes Supervisor Boisen to sign the Adirondack Landfill contract for 2014.


This resolution was duly seconded by Councilman Wrisley, and was adopted.


Roll Call

Councilwoman LaPine-yes

Councilman MacDougal-yes

Councilman Wrisley-yes

Supervisor Boisen-yes


Town Clerk Report – Tax Collector reports were discussed.  Motion to accept the

Town Clerk report and the Tax Collector report was made by Councilman

MacDougal. Seconded by Councilwoman LaPine. Roll call Councilwoman LaPine-yes, Councilman MacDougal-yes, Councilman Garvey-yes, Councilman Wrisley-yes, and Supervisor Boisen-yes.


Water Sewer report was discussed.  Motion to accept report as presented was made by Councilwoman LaPine. Seconded by Councilman Garvey. Roll call Councilwoman LaPine-yes, Councilman MacDougal-yes, Councilman Garvey-yes, Councilman Wrisley-yes, and Supervisor Boisen-yes.


Supervisor’s Report was discussed. Motion to accept the Supervisor’s report as presented was made by Councilman Wrisley.  Seconded by Councilman MacDougal. Roll call Councilwoman LaPine-yes, Councilman MacDougal-yes, Councilman Garvey-yes, Councilman Wrisley-yes, and Supervisor Boisen-yes.


The Paddlers Club contract was discussed.

Resolution #31 of 2013


The following resolution was offered by Councilman Garvey, who moved its adoption.


Be it resolved that the Essex Town Board of Essex, NY authorizes Supervisor Boisen to sign the contract with the Paddlers Club.


This resolution was duly seconded by Councilman MacDougal and was adopted.


Roll Call

Councilwoman LaPine-yes

Councilman MacDougal-yes

Councilman Wrisley-yes

Supervisor Boisen-yes


Algae monitoring was discussed. The Paddlers club will train someone if they are interested in doing this.


No swimming on the beach in Whallons Bay was discussed and how to stop people from going on private beach front property there. Also, what could be done about the cars parking on the road?


Table resolution #32 no swim beach motion made by Supervisor Boisen.


Cost of lifeguard was discussed.  Councilman Garvey will check into the cost.

Supervisor Boisen will check on the liability insurance and she will check with Department of Health on water quality issues.


Supervisor Boisen congratulations Warren Jackson for his fine efforts in raising $755 for Hospice in a walkathon.


Motion to enter into Executive session at 8:34 PM to discuss litigation between Town of Essex and Lewis Family Farm was made by Councilman Garvey.  Seconded by Councilman MacDougal. Roll call Councilwoman LaPine-yes, Councilman MacDougal-yes, Councilman Garvey-yes, Councilman Wrisley-yes, and Supervisor Boisen-yes.


Motion to exit executive at 9 PM was made by Supervisor Boisen.  Seconded by

Councilman MacDougal. Roll call Councilwoman LaPine-yes, Councilman MacDougal-yes, Councilman Garvey-yes, Councilman Wrisley-yes, and Supervisor Boisen-yes.


Enter back into Regular Board meeting at 9:01 PM.


Supervisor Boisen informed the Board about being contacted by Office Systems

to discuss the purchase of a new copier. They are energy star and there was a grant that will pay for 75% of the purchase price. It is less expensive to use the energy star copier. The grants are not available right now.



Motion to adjourn at 9:07 PM was made by Councilman Garvey.  Seconded

By Councilwoman LaPine. Roll call Councilwoman LaPine-yes, Councilman MacDougal-yes, Councilman Garvey-yes, Councilman Wrisley-yes, and Supervisor Boisen-yes.


Respectfully submitted                                 Audrey Hoskins, Town Clerk






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