June 7, 2012 Draft Minutes Planning Board Public Hearing and Regular Meeting




JUNE 7, 2012

7:00 p.m.

Call to Order

Acting Chairman David Hislop called the Public Hearing to Order at 7:00 p.m.


Derrick Wrisley, David Hislop, Mark Walker, Olive Alexander, H. Nicholas Muller III.

Excused absence:  Pat Tivnan, James Van Hoven, Chairman

Also in Attendance:  Catherine DeWolff, Town Clerk and Lauren Murphy, Zoning and Code Enforcement Officer

Guests:  William R. Poppino, Jan Fortune, Andrea Green, Kevin Hall, Meredith Hanna, Joe Hanna, Sharp Swan, Deb Schrodt, Fred Schrodt

An email in regard to the actions before the Planning Board by absent Planning Board member, Pat Tivnan, was read and discussed and considered.

FortuneTax Map #49.15-1-13.000Site Plan Review application for an addition to the residence at 30 Albee Lane.  Mrs. Fortune was in attendance to answer any questions about her project.  A question arose about the proposed new septic.  Lauren Murphy, Zoning/Code Officer advised the Board that the septic was part of the project and that all work will go through her.  Mrs. Fortune told the Planning Board that she had filed the application for jurisdictional determination with the APA.   The Board agreed that the results and any conditions and or restrictions are made part of the permit for this action.  There were no further comments.  On a motion by H. Nicholas Muller, III to close the Fortune public hearing, seconded by David Hislop, the motion carries by unanimous vote of the Town of Essex Planning Board.

Green – Tax Map #49.7-4-10.00 – Site Plan Review application to replace an existing cabin on Cannon Point and located at 1996/2006 Lakeshore Road.  Andrea Green was in attendance as co-owner and authorized representative for Michael Green and Judy Gibson Noyes, co-owners and legal representatives. Acting Chairman David Hislop advised that he, Pat Tivnan and Code Officer Lauren Murphy visited the site and it was confusing about which building was the one being replaced.  Ms. Green said it was the Ice House building being replaced but several buildings in the seasonal camp complex had been damaged by the micro-burst storm and cleaned up.  Mr. Hislop asked about the septic and whether it would be pumped up hill.  Ms. Green advised that her brother was designing the system.  Sharp Swan said that he did the work out there and that Michael Green did the septic lower down so that it would not go up the hill.  It was agreed that the design for the tie-in should be on file with Lauren Murphy, Town of Essex Code Enforcement Officer.  Acting Chairman David Hislop asked about trees being cut down.  Andrea Green responded that they do limb the trees but don’t cut down any trees.  They will keep it private.  There was a discussion of the footprint of the building and the screening of it from the lake.  It was agreed that the current screening was sufficient and that the building will blend into the environment without any additional requirements.  However, the APA non-jurisdictional determination #J2010-571 dated October 8, 2010 shall become part of the Planning Board permit and any conditions or restrictions set forth shall supercede, only if more restrictive, the determinations of the Town of Essex Planning Board.  With no further comments, Mr. Muller motioned to close the Green public hearing, seconded by Derrick Wrisley and carried by unanimous vote of the Town of Essex Planning Board.

Hayes – Tax Map #48.2-1-10.2 – A Minor Subdivision application for the property at 187 Leaning Road.  Kevin Hall, Land Surveyor and legal representative for the applicant, Austen Hayes, gave an overview of the minor three-lot subdivision.  Mr. Muller asked whether the APA had approved that the third lot being conveyed with either Lot 1 or 2.  Kevin Hall responded that yes, the APA did approve it.

Meredith and Joe Hanna spoke as neighbors of the project and advised the Town Board of the washouts that occur on the Leaning Road.  Their concern was for the development of the lots and whether that would contribute to further erosion and washouts of the road.  Acting Chairman David Hislop advised the Hanna’s that the action before the Planning Board was only for the subdivision of the property.  Any future development will have to come before the Board when it occurs and at which time those kind of issues would be considered.

On a motion by H. Nicholas Muller, III to close the Hayes public hearing, seconded by David Hislop, the motion carries by unanimous vote of the Town of Essex Planning Board.

On a motion to close the Public Hearing Meeting of the Town of Essex Planning Board by Mark Walker, seconded by H. Nicholas Muller, III, the motion carries by unanimous vote of the Town of Essex Planning Board.  The Public Hearing meeting is closed at 7:30 p.m.

Catherine DeWolff, Town Clerk

Recording Secretary



JUNE 7, 2012

7:30 P.M.

Call to Order

Acting Chairman David Hislop called the Regular Meeting of the Essex Planning Board to Order at 7:30 p.m.


Derrick Wrisley, David Hislop, Mark Walker, Olive Alexander, H. Nicholas Muller III

Excused Absence:  Pat Tivnan, James Van Hoven, Chairman

Also in Attendance:  Catherine DeWolff, Town Clerk and Lauren Murphy, Zoning and Code Enforcement Officer

Guests:  William R. Poppino, Jan Fortune, Andrea Green, Kevin Hall, Meredith Hanna, Joe Hanna, Sharp Swan, Deb Schrodt, Fred Schrodt

Review and Acceptance of the Minutes of May 3, 2012.  On a motion to accept the minutes of the May 3, 2012 meeting by Mark Walker, seconded by Olive Alexander, the motion carries majority vote with Derrick Wrisley abstaining.

Old Business

The Town of Essex Planning Board reviewed SEQRA and considered the draft permits on the completed applications presented as follows:

Draft Permit Project #2012-5 – Fortune – Tax Map #49.15-1-13.000 – Site Plan Review. The long form EAF was read and considered by the Planning Board in conformance with the State of New York Department of Environmental Conservation SEQRA Law and unanimously deemed a negative declaration on a motion by Derrick Wrisley and seconded by Olive Alexander.

The draft permit as presented by the secretary was read and considered.

On a motion by H. Nicholas Muller to adopt the draft permit as presented, seconded by Derrick Wrisley, the resolution carries by unanimous roll call vote:  Aye 5 – Wrisley, Hislop, Walker, Alexander, Muller                       No – 0

Draft Permit Project #2012-6 – Green – Tax Map #49.7-4-10.000 – Site Plan Review

The long form EAF was read and considered by the Planning Board in conformance with the State of New York Department of Environmental Conservation SEQRA Law and unanimously deemed a negative declaration on a motion by H. Nicholas Muller III, seconded by Olive Alexander.

The draft permit as presented by the secretary was read and considered.

On a motion to accept the draft permit by H. Nicholas Muller III, seconded by Olive Alexander and put to a roll call vote, the resolution is adopted unanimously and the permit is accepted for issuance with the APA conditions applying.  Vote: Aye 5 – Wrisley, Hislop, Walker, Alexander, Muller                      No – 0

Draft Permit Project #2012-7 – Hayes – Tax Map #48.2-1-10.2 – Minor Subdivision

The long form EAF was read and considered by the Planning Board in conformance with the State of New York Department of Environmental Conservation SEQRA Law and unanimously deemed a negative declaration on a motion by H. Nicholas Muller III, seconded by David Hislop.

The draft permit as presented by the secretary was read and considered.  Acting Chairman Hislop read the permit conditions aloud and asked if the Board had any comments.  There being none, David Hislop motioned to accept the draft permit as presented, seconded by Mark Walker and put to a roll call vote, the resolution is adopted unanimously. Vote: Aye 5 – Wrisley, Hislop, Walker, Alexander, Muller      No – 0

Kevin Hall, L.S., asked about any restrictions with regard to the length of time that he had to file the map as he may have a delay.  It was agreed that this would not be a problem.

New Business

Site Plan Review – Sign Permit Application – The Pink Pig, Lessee

Tax Map #40.65-3-5.200  John Doyle, Owner

The Planning Board considered the sign application of the Pink Pig, Lessee of John Doyle’s building at 2750 Essex Road, and deemed the application complete by unanimous vote on a motion by H. Nicholas Muller III and seconded by Derrick Wrisley.

There was a discussion of whether or not the applicant had to come back to Planning for the draft permit.  It was agreed that the secretary shall draw up and issue the permit, waiving the draft, for the signs Pink Pig and Pink Petal as described in the application (21”H x 26” L).

On a motion by H. Nicholas Muller III to issue the permit, seconded by Derrick Wrisley, the resolution is adopted by unanimous vote:  5-Aye    No-0.  Resolved that the secretary shall issue the sign permit without the applicant having to come back to Planning Board to vote the acceptance of the draft permit.

Report of the Chairman


Report of the Zoning and Code Enforcement Officer

Lauren Murphy’s report was read by the Board.

Public Comment


With nothing further to come before the Town of Essex Planning Board,

H. Nicholas Muller III motioned to adjourn, seconded by Derrick Wrisley, by unanimous vote the regular meeting is adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Catherine DeWolff, Town Clerk

Recording Secretary