February 2, 2012 Draft Planning Board Minutes



Minutes of Public Hearing and Regular Meeting

February 2, 2012

7:00 p.m.


Call to Order:

Chairman Van Hoven opened the Public Hearing at 7:00 p.m.


Planning Board members present: Olive Alexander, Derrick Wrisley, H. Nicholas Muller, III, James Van Hoven, David Hislop, Pat Tivnan and Mark Walker

Also in attendance: Catherine DeWolff, Clerk and Jeffrey Hastings, Applicant

A Public Hearing was held on the following application:

Tax Map #39.4-1-8 Jeffrey Hastings – Minor Subdivision -2307 Jersey Street, Essex, NY. The applicant wishes to divide his property into two lots consisting of 3.5 and 11.5 acres. The application was deemed complete at the last meeting of January 19, 2012.


Public Comment: None

On a motion by Mr. Walker to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Mr. Hislop, the Public Hearing is closed by unanimous vote.

There being no questions or comments from the public, a motion to adjourn the Public Hearing is made by Mr. Hislop and seconded by Mr. Wrisley. The vote to adjourn was all yes with none opposed. The Public Hearing is adjourned at 7:04 p.m. by unanimous vote.


Call to Order:

Chairman Van Hoven opened the Regular Meeting of the Planning Board at 7:04 p.m


Planning Board members present: Olive Alexander, Derrick Wrisley, H. Nicholas Muller, III, James Van Hoven, David Hislop, Pat Tivnan and Mark Walker

Also in attendance: Catherine DeWolff, Clerk, and Jeffrey Hastings, Applicant

Review and Acceptance of Minutes:

Review of the Minutes of January 19, 2012, Regular Meeting of the Town of Essex Planning Board. Chairman Van Hoven made a minor revision to the minutes moving the review of the EAF from the Public Hearing section to the Regular Meeting section. A motion was made by Mr. Muller to accept the minutes as revised. Mrs. Alexander seconded the motion to accept. The vote is all yes with none opposed. The minutes of January 19, 2012, are duly reviewed and accepted with Mr. Hislop abstaining.

Mr. Hislop, having missed last month’s meeting queried the Board about the change in the Workshop meetings.

Old Business:

Draft Permit #2012-2 – Hastings Minor Subdivision – Tax Map #39.4-1-8

Mr. Muller asked if the subdivision will allow two houses. The Board referred to the non-jurisdictional letter from the APA which left the matter undecided. It was agreed that the permit shall include a condition which will require additional APA approval for any further development of the properties. The EAF was read and considered in conformance with SEQR. On a motion by Mr. Hislop and seconded by Mr. Wrisley the EAF is deemed a Negative Declaration by unanimous vote.

On a motion made by Mr. Walker to accept the Draft Permit with the aforementioned condition, seconded by Mr. Muller, the Draft Permit is approved as follows:


A Resolution to adopt this Minor Subdivision was introduced by Mark Walker who motioned that it be adopted. The motion was seconded by H. Nicholas Muller, III, and duly put to a vote and adopted by a majority of the members of the Town of Essex Planning Board as follows:

Yes No Abstain Absent

Olive Alexander X

Derrick Wrisley X

H. Nicholas Muller, III X

James Van Hoven, Chairman X

David Hislop X

Pat Tivnan X

Mark Walker X

New Business: None

Report of the Chairman:

Chairman Van Hoven advised the Board of where the Zoning Revision process was and that Ann Holland, Professional Planner, who is doing the SEQR, being cautiously optimistic. Mr. Hislop asked if this would require further public hearings and the Chairman responded in the affirmative. The Chairman advised that it is now in the Town Board’s hands.

Report of Zoning Officer:

The Zoning and Code Enforcement Officer, David Lansing’s report was made part of these minutes. Mr. Hislop asked Mr. Lansing if he was re-appointed by the Town Board. Mr. Lansing replied that no, he was appointed for only a 90 day term as the vote to appoint him was deadlocked. There was a brief discussion about the thinning of the trees in Sandy Lewis’ sugarbush.


There being no further business before the Planning Board, a motion to adjourn by Mr. Muller and seconded by Ms. Tivnan. The Regular Meeting of the Planning Board is adjourned by unanimous vote at 7:27 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Catherine DeWolff

Town Clerk