Nov.11, 2010 Sewer Informational Meeting

Informational Sewer Meeting


The meeting was called to order at 6:10 PM.

Board members present were Supervisor Boisen, Councilman LaForest,

Councilman Wrisley, Councilman Sayward and Councilwoman LaPine.

Visitors included Sally Johnson, Mac MacDevitt and Ted Cornell.

Supervisor Boisen said that Jim Dougan, AES would not be here for the meeting.

The contractors are working at Tom Ducca’s home with the trencher.

Sally Johnson voiced her concerns about how her yard will look after the trencher goes through. Supervisor Boisen said it will be planted back to grass.

Supervisor Boisen assured Sally all the rubble will be hauled away. Councilman Sayward said that the contractors are to restore the residents’ property back to the way it was before they worked on it. This was thoroughly discussed.

The main line easements were discussed. Supervisor Boisen said there are still two easements that are still needed. Lateral easements were discussed. A letter will be sent to the residents who have not returned their lateral easements. If we have not received their easements by the time the contractors are ready to hookup then the home owner will have to pay to have their lateral hooked up.

Supervisor Boisen said that she is concerned about the sewer district budget. The first principal payment the Town needs to make on the loan is $115,000 and will be due in December 2011. How this money will be raised by the sewer district was discussed by the Board. The sewer district resident will be billed starting in January 2011 the $532 + per year to sewer district residents. Supervisor Boisen will compose a letter for the Board to approve and then it will be sent to the sewer district residents.

The purchase of a propane tank for the sewer plant was discussed. Councilman

Sayward said usually the tank is provided by the dealer. The purpose of the tank is for heating the plant during winter construction. Councilman Sayward said we need to check with the dealer about purchasing a tank since most dealers provide the tank for free.

The sewer plant operator position was discussed. Susan Kennedy told Supervisor Boisen that this position needed a full time operator and a full time assistant operator. She also said the water superintendent should be a full time position. We need to place an ad for a sewer operator.

The sewer meeting was closed at 6:55 PM.

Respectfully submitted Audrey Hoskins, Town Clerk