May 16, 2013 Draft Town Board and SAFE Meeting Presentation Minutes


Regular Board Meeting


The meeting was called to order at 7:03 PM.


Supervisor Boisen led us in the Pledge to the Flag.


On roll call Board Members present were Councilman Wrisley, Councilwoman LaPine,

Councilman MacDougal, Councilman Garvey and Supervisor Boisen.  Also present was

Audrey Hoskins, Town Clerk.


Councilwoman LaPine asked for a moment of silence for Ray Demar and Janice LaFountain.


Attendees were Mary Hopkins, Sally Johnson, Dianne Lansing, David Hislop, Olive Alexander,

Lauren Murphy, Derrick Wrisley.


Approval of minutes.

The minutes of April 18th, 2013 were discussed.  Motion to accept minutes with correction was made by Councilman Wrisley.  Seconded by Councilman MacDougal.  Roll call Councilman Wrisley-yes, Councilwoman LaPine-yes, Councilman MacDougal-yes, Councilman Garvey-yes, and Supervisor Boisen-yes.


Courtesy of the floor was offered.


Approval of Bills

The bills were reviewed and discussed.  Motion to accept bills as presented made by Councilman Wrisley.  Seconded by Councilman Garvey.  .  Roll call Councilman Wrisley-yes, Councilwoman LaPine-yes, Councilman MacDougal-yes, Councilman Garvey-yes, and Supervisor Boisen-yes.


Councilman Wrisley asked if we had offsite backup for our computers.  Supervisor Boisen stated we do not.  Councilman Wrisley believes it would be a good idea for us to have offsite backup.  Supervisor Boisen will discuss this with Ken Hughes.


Zoning Officer Report.  Motion to table Zoning Officer report until next month made by Councilman Wrisley.  Seconded by Councilman MacDougal.   Roll call Councilman Wrisley-yes, Councilwoman LaPine-yes, Councilman MacDougal-yes, Councilman Garvey-yes, and Supervisor Boisen-yes.


Supervisor’s County Report

Supervisor Boisen stated that she has been swamped here at the Town office.  On Saturday Supervisor Boisen attended Animal Cruelty training at the Public Safety building.  Scott

Hayes, Animal Control Officer and members of the Animal Cruelty Taskforce also attended.

It was very informative.


Committee Report


The Grange Hall committee met on 5/15/13.  The MOU was discussed and some changes were made.  Once it is finalized it will be presented to the full Board for review and discussion. The Grange Hall Committee is requesting that they receive $10,000 a year the same as the Library.  Councilwomen LaPine stated a budget was received at this meeting and she had many

Budget questions.  She did not feel that it was a true budget.  She would like a clear budget

that shows revenues and expenditures clearly.  At the next committee meeting they are supposed to have a fee schedule for Grange usage to review and discuss. Supervisor Boisen has concerns about the fees charged.  She would not like see anyone unable to attend an event because the fee is too high.  Suggested donations for events was discussed. The next meeting will be at the Grange Hall on 5/30/13 at 6:30 PM.  Councilman Wrisley stated that the Grange Hall representatives would like to do a presentation to the Board at our next monthly meeting.


Councilman Wrisley stated that he feels we have a number of buildings the Town is responsible for their upkeep and we need to determine what amount of money can be spent on each one.

Councilman Wrisley stated the Long Range Strategic Plan Committee needs to give us their

recommendations on what we need to do and how much we could spend on each building.


Supervisor Boisen stated that Building and Grounds and the Long Range Strategic Plan Committee can meet together and work on these issues. If more than two Board members

are on the committees, it will be advertised.  Town owned property was discussed.  It was stated that Town property cannot be sold for less than it is appraised value. The Old Stone Church was discussed.


Personnel Committee

The Personnel Committee met on 4/25/13 and are working on the employee manual.


Old Business

Willsboro-Essex EMS, Inc. letter of support was reviewed and discussed (see attached). Supervisor Boisen stated that she understands that the Town of Willsboro is not giving them

a letter of support.


Motion to send letter of support for the Willsboro-Essex EMS, Inc. was made by Councilman MacDougal.  Seconded by Councilwoman LaPine. Roll call Councilman Wrisley-yes, Councilwoman LaPine-yes, Councilman MacDougal-yes, Councilman Garvey-yes, and Supervisor Boisen-yes.


Ground Water Capital Project


Resolution 32 of 2013


The following resolution was offered by Councilman Wrisley who moved its adoption.


Be it resolved that the Town of Essex, Essex, NY transfers $25,000 from the Water Fund account 8320.4.8 to 99509.9.8 and then transfer from 99509.8 to the Groundwater Capital Project



This resolution was duly seconded by Councilman Garvey.

Roll call

Councilwoman LaPine – yes

Councilman MacDougal – yes

Councilman Garvey – yes

Councilman Wrisley – yes

Supervisor Boisen – yes


We need to start the SEQR process.  We will need legal assistance on some of the SEQR process.

Supervisor Boisen stated she would like to keep the same lawyer for the project.  She will start looking for a lawyer.


Jim Dougan mailed the Hydro Source report to Supervisor Boisen and she could not open the file.  Jim Dougan brought a hard copy to the office and Sharon did not have the time to read through it before the meeting.  It will be scanned and set to your emails.


Norma Goff’s property has two sand and gravel options and a bedrock option.


Ron Jackson’s property slight possibility but with public concern over its proximity to the

Transfer Station.


Tower sight is a slight possibility.


The SEQR process will include Norma’s property and the Water Tower property. We

have to have SEQR process finished by July 24th, 2013.  If we do not met the dead line of

August 24th, 2013 we will lose 1 ½ million dollars.   The next step is to meet with Norma

and discuss giving the Town access to her property for a test well. A dowser coming to look at the property and seeing where it would be best to drill was discussed.


Water meters have been discussed with Derrick Wrisley, Water Superintendent and Tina Gardner, Assistant Water Superintendent.  There is an old capital project with $68,000

in it.  $58,000 is owed to the General Fund.  We need to do an inventory of the meters and see which ones are working and which can be repaired or need to be replaced.  We have 30 meters from the sewer project we can use.  Derrick stated that right now there are three different meters and they are different sizes.  Derrick stated that he has no tools for repair and that he is not a certified plumber. Derrick said he had talked with Councilman Wrisley and they believe

it would be best if Derrick  checks the meters and see what needs to done. The home owner will be responsible for fixing them.  Councilman Wrisley stated that one of the problems is the different size piping that has been used. This will be a nightmare trying to get these meters           repaired or new meter hooked up and working properly.  There is a report on the meters that Supervisor Boisen has that can be used as a reference.  Supervisor Boisen stated that we may be able to offer the installation and or repairs so that they are all working properly.  At that time we will remind everyone that they are responsible for future maintenance from the

curb stop to their homes as stated in the Town Water Law.  Supervisor Boisen stated the rates

are going to go up.  This must be done if we are to qualify for more grants.  We need to get the

meters fixed or new ones installed as soon as possible.  We need to get our records of the meters and their condition updated so we know exactly what needs to be done.


Derrick stated that he felt that if he is going to everyone’s home that he should have a

Name tag that identifies who he is and what he does.  This was discussed and name tags for Derrick Wrisley, Tina Gardner, Scott Hayes and Lauren Murphy will be ordered.  Councilman MacDougal stated that someone from the County came to the school and did the photos for the ID tags.  Supervisor Boisen will check with the County for photo ID.


The Summer Youth Program was discussed.  The Board was in agreement that they are not going to pay the $6,000 to Willsboro this year for the Summer Youth Program.  The Board directed Supervisor Boisen to inform Willsboro Supervisor Hatch of this decision.


Councilman Garvey wanted to know if Essex residents had to pay to use Willsboro Beach.

Supervisor Boisen believed that there was a charge for using the beach.


New Business

The Town of Essex won an award from the APA LGD Build Design Award for the Wastewater Treatment Plant.


The stipulation agreement with Gary Heurich and the Town of Essex was discussed.       Motion to give Supervisor Boisen permission to sign the stipulation of agreement between Gary Heurich and the Town of Essex was made by Councilman MacDougal.  Seconded by Councilwomen LaPine.   Roll call Councilman Wrisley-yes, Councilwoman LaPine-yes, Councilman MacDougal-yes, Councilman Garvey-yes, and Supervisor Boisen-yes.


Memorandum of Understanding with Historic Essex for Town Historian space was discussed.

David Hislop stated that Historic Essex would like the Town to pay a prorated portion of the electric bill for the space the Historian uses.  Councilman MacDougal stated we could get a monitoring device that would show how much electricity is used. This wording of MOU was discussed and agreed to.  Motion to authorize Super visor Boisen to sign the MOU with

Historic Essex was made by Councilman Garvey.  Seconded by Councilwoman LaPine.

Roll call Councilman Wrisley-yes, Councilwoman LaPine-yes, Councilman MacDougal-yes, Councilman Garvey-yes, and Supervisor Boisen-yes.


The HACH Contract was discussed. The contract covers both water and sewer. There is certain equipment that must be cleaned and it is a delicate procedure and needs to be performed by a specially trained person.  Motion to give Supervisor Boisen permission to sign the HACH contract was made by Councilman Wrisley.  Seconded by Councilwoman LaPine.   Roll call Councilman Wrisley-yes, Councilwoman LaPine-yes, Councilman MacDougal-yes, Councilman Garvey-yes, and Supervisor Boisen-yes.


A request for water hookup was made by an outside user Martha McGraw.  She has purchased the house formerly owned by Jack Meyers on Lake Shore Road.  Supervisor Boisen stated that she felt it would be a good idea to allow her to pay to hookup to Town water.  She also felt it was a good idea to have the Crater Club on our water system.  We cannot discuss this with the Crater Club until we have our funding in place.    The funding is based on the users we have now and we cannot change it now.  The cost to hook up to Town water and lay the pipes would be paid by Ms. McGraw.  She would need an easement form Mr. Pataki to lay the pipes across his property.  Councilman Wrisley stated more research will need to be done on this issue to check

the legal issues before this request can move forward.  Supervisor Boisen will look into the

legal issues.  She will talk with Jim Dougan also.


The budget amendment for CHIPs was discussed.


Resolution #33 of 2013


The following resolution was offered by Councilman Garvey, who moved its adoption.


Be it resolved that the Town of Essex increased its Highway revenue with a budget amendment

to DA3501 revenue and appropriations DA 5112.2 in the amount of $14061.84 from

our CHIPs contract.


This resolution was duly unanimously seconded by the Board and was adopted.


Roll call

Councilman Wrisley – yes

Councilwoman LaPine – yes

Councilman MacDougal – yes

Councilman Garvey – yes

Supervisor Boisen – yes


The Town Clerk’s report was discussed.  Motion to accept report as presented was made

by Councilman MacDougal.  Seconded by Councilman Wrisley.   Roll call Councilman Wrisley-yes, Councilwoman LaPine-yes, Councilman MacDougal-yes, Councilman Garvey-yes, and Supervisor Boisen-yes.


Town Clerk Taxes report was discussed and the final check was given to the Town in the

amount of $2,453.08 interest collected for 2013 Taxes.  Motion to accept tax report as presented was made by Councilman MacDougal.  Seconded by Councilwoman LaPine.

Roll call Councilman Wrisley-yes, Councilwoman LaPine-yes, Councilman MacDougal-yes, Councilman Garvey-yes, and Supervisor Boisen-yes.


Water Sewer Rents report was presented and discussed.  We have arrears of $15,000 +. The arrears will be on the 2014 tax bills.  We will have to look at this closely when we start the budget process this year.  Motion to accept Water Sewer rents report was made by Councilman Wrisley.  Seconded by Councilman Garvey.  Roll call Councilman Wrisley-yes, Councilwoman LaPine-yes, Councilman MacDougal-yes, Councilman Garvey-yes, and Supervisor Boisen-yes.


Supervisor’s Report was presented and discussed.  Motion to accept Supervisor’s report was made by Councilman MacDougal.  Seconded by Councilman Wrisley.    Roll call Councilman Wrisley-yes, Councilwoman LaPine-yes, Councilman MacDougal-yes, Councilman Garvey-yes, and Supervisor Boisen-yes.


The phone problem was discussed. The service was turned off.  Supervisor Boisen is

trying to straighten out the problem. The phone was turned back on.  There is still a problem with the billing which is being worked on.


The letter from the Grange Hall letter from the Whallonsburg Civic Association was discussed.  They want to exercise their option under paragraph 12 of MOU with regards to the Grange Hall dated 4/11/2008.  We here by elect to extend this agreement for an additional five years.


AES is handling the bid process for the wall.  We need to create a capital project account for the wall.  Supervisor Boisen would like to take the money from the regular building and grounds account to create the capital project account.  It will get paid back with grant money or it will be part of our match.  There will be a prepay for AES in next month’s bills in the amount of $898.58. Once the money is transferred we can pay bills.


Motion to exit Regular Board meeting and enter Executive Se4ssion to discuss the Lewis Family Farm litigation and employment history of the Code Officer was made by Councilman MacDougal.  Seconded by Councilman Wrisley.   Roll call Councilman Wrisley-yes, Councilwoman LaPine-yes, Councilman MacDougal-yes, Councilman Garvey-yes, and Supervisor Boisen-yes.


Motion to exit Executive session and reenter the Regular Board meeting was made at 10:30 PM

By Councilman Garvey.  Seconded by Councilman Wrisley.    Roll call Councilman Wrisley-yes, Councilwoman LaPine-yes, Councilman MacDougal-yes, Councilman Garvey-yes, and Supervisor Boisen-yes.


Reentered Regular Board meeting at 10: 31 PM.  The check received from Cloudsplitter Carpentry in the amount of $50 for a blasting permit is to be returned.


Motion to give permission to Supervisor Boisen permission to issue a letter of concern to a Town employee was made by Councilman MacDougal.  Seconded by Councilman Garvey.

Roll call Councilman Wrisley-yes, Councilwoman LaPine-yes, Councilman MacDougal-yes, Councilman Garvey-yes, and Supervisor Boisen-yes.


As there was no further business to come before the Board the meeting was adjourned at

10:35 PM.


Respectfully submitted                                                          Audrey Hoskins, Town Clerk



Special Meeting

NYS Safe Act 2013


The meeting was called to at 6PM.

Board Members present were Councilwoman LaPine, Councilman MacDougal, Councilman

Garvey, Councilman Wrisley and Supervisor Boisen.  Also present Audrey Hoskins, Town Clerk.


Attendees were Mary Hopkins, Sally Johnson, Bryan Elder, Jan Terlouw, and Ed Monoski.


Sheriff Richard Cutting gave a presentation on the NYS Safe Act.  He explained how the Safe Act will affect gun owners, gun sales, ammunition sales and the manufacture of guns in New York State.  There was also a discussion on the affect the Safe Act will have on New York State’s economy.


A question and answer period followed.


The following are resources that will be helpful.

Governor’s FAQ webpage



Division of State Police

Webpage under construction – check periodically


Sheriff Richard Cutting 518-873-6901

[email protected]


There is information available at the Town Hall.


The meeting was ended at 6:58 PM.


Respectfully submitted                                                            Audrey Hoskins, Town Clerk











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